Sunday, February 16, 2014

Asher's Joy!

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay!

There is so much joy in my heart today... and so much joy in Asher's heart! He now knows that we are adopting. And he is EXCITED! (Thank you, Lord, because we have been praying for him to understand, accept and be on board!)

He has so many questions... and so many sweet concerns for his future siblings. His thoughts and inquiries pour out throughout the day. His heart is big and his desire to give is deep. Please share in his joy when you see him next! Encourage him! Get excited with him! And when he tells you we're adopting from Hondorus or China or some other country, gently bring him back to Ethiopia. All of those country names get mixed up in his little 5 year old head. :)

He has asked for a necklace that says "brother" in Amharic to match mine which says "mother" (enat). So I'm working on that... and coming up with lots of other fun activities to build up his knowledge of Ethiopia and understanding of adoption... So if you come across any cool ideas for me, please share them!!
Wendem (brother)

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