Friday, June 15, 2018


I'll admit it. I haven't quite been looking forward to school getting out. Given the chance, I'll always prefer structure over a lack-there-of... so the wide-open summer is daunting. So daunting that I can't not put some form of structure around it!
Summer Survival Plan :)

I've been memorizing the serenity prayer. And I've been having flashbacks to what I only half-jokingly refer to as the "dark" summer of 2011. That was the summer when I tried to balance working from home while caring for a baby and a three-year-old. Cora NEVER slept. And Chad was on a 24/7 work assignment.

I've been anxious about the summer for two main reasons... 

One, structure has served us well over the past few months. Our new kids feel safest and most calm when there are clear transitions and well-known expectations. Any "outside the box" activity tends to end with a meltdown on some level - and it can take days to recover and re-establish ourselves.

Two, this connected, attachment based parenting that we're proactively using to best support our family is emotionally exhausting. I am so glad I have training in it... I believe in it... I see the amazing growth in James and Esther... And I am so grateful for a support system of other adoptive parents who understand it (because sometimes it seems counter-productive from the outside looking in)... but it is TIRING and requires me to just push beyond the boundaries that are comfortable to me, personally. 

That being said, it hit me yesterday that I need to let go of this anxiety and go into the summer expecting God to do amazing things. This will be a summer of a ton of fun firsts. This will be the summer when deep bonds are forged. This will be a summer of new independences. This will be the summer when we experience even more of God's blessings. I'm ready!

So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith. Galatians 6:9-10 (MSG)

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