Friday, December 12, 2014

The Testing

I recently came across two quotes that I’ve tied together to great my present-day mantra:

“If you think you are being tested, then you are."  But...
"As surely as He's tested me, He's also given me testimony."

I feel like I’m being tested! We have been on this journey for over a year now… 14 months since the initial paperwork was started… and 11 months waiting with an official dossier submitted to Ethiopia. It feels like so much longer because this adoption was on our hearts for years prior to us even initiating the process in 2013.

I’ll be honest – I didn’t think it’d take this long. I heard everyone when they said the time frames would be unpredictable, waiting would feel long, processes would change multiple times, etc…. But I mentally glossed over all of that. Moving forward with the adoption was so aligned with our life purpose and calling… and the initial paperwork went so smoothly. So I allowed myself to assume the hurdles might not apply.

We probably all fall into thinking this way sometimes… we assume if our motives are good or if we’re doing something at God's prompting, it will be easy. But He doesn’t promise us that.

I’m accepting that now. I’m accepting that more twists and turns are likely to come. I’m accepting that my faith is being tested in many ways. I’m accepting that God’s ways aren’t my ways…. And I’m willing to accept a Christmas miracle if God decides to refer us a child now. ;)

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:5-6 (Message)

(P.S. Lots of rest time during a period of waiting... we probably won't get this many naps when our family grows!)


  1. Wednesday I saw a license plate (you know that's me and God's thing) that said "PR 3 5-8". Maybe that was for you too. ;)

  2. I can relate to the mental process, I too have made assumptions about hurdles not applying, only to discover them around the next corner. The wait will be worth it. Remind me to share something about Moses the next time we catch up. Praying for your family including your children in waiting, friend!
