Sunday, January 11, 2015


Do you have special dates that you celebrate? I’m not good about that… we do birthdays and the major holidays… we have family traditions and take photos often... But I have no recollection of milestones beyond birthdays and anniversaries… When did Chad and I meet? Neither of us remembers exactly. When was our first date? No idea. When did the kids hit various developmental milestones? Don’t know – didn’t track it. I probably assumed I’d remember, but that didn’t happen. J

We are hoping that 2015 will bring some important dates for our family... We are moving forward in anticipation. We even bit the bullet and are starting the new year with a "new" minivan to make room for more carseats! :)
Bring on positive adoption news in 2015!

However, there are specific dates THIS month that are weighing on my mind. We recently learned about two children in Africa that are on a waiting list to be adopted from their country. We are gathering more information from our agency (ever so slowly... much patience required!) and seeing what changing our adoption country would entail (mounds of paperwork, I am sure!). We know only their names and birthdates... And they both happen to have birthdays this month. So I have written those dates in my calendar and plan to spend those days specifically praying that they sense hope and a future. 

I don’t know if they will be ours… I am hopeful… but something about having these dates makes me feel personally connected to them. If they are meant for another family, I can at least know that I supernaturally supported them in 2015.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

On a side note, while I will never win a prize for tracking dates, I do enjoy keeping track of amusing things that our kids say. Here are a few good ones for you. Hope you are as amused as I am...

“Oww! Cora scratched me without asking if there was an itch.” - Asher 

“I like hot in my bath and on my mac-n-cheese.” – Cora

“I wish there was one kid in our family and it would be ME. We could adopt Asher back to the hospital.” – Cora (Her world is about to be rocked!)

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