Thursday, February 18, 2016

No News is Good News??

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has been supporting us through prayer over recent weeks. 

I was reminded today that absolutely everything that happens is either God-arranged or God-allowed. So while we continue to wait, I am trying not to question. We continue to trust that God is weaving together a beautiful testimony that we can not yet see.

As we mentioned previously, happenings and decisions made earlier this month were crucial to our adoption and have been weighing heavily on us. I wish we could say that we had fantastic news to report, but that’s not really the case. Insert your preferred sad emoji’s here. ;)

That’s not to say that we have bad news to report. We had a few big “wins” in the realm of paperwork issues which were a major relief. In addition, multiple changes have taken place regarding documentation, processes, etc. In theory all of these changes are positives and should help the process move forward with less potential for problems. However, our big hope was that the court date we are awaiting would be set… and that has not yet happened.

The biggest change taking place is that our children have been moved to a new residence. It’s been difficult because I saw where they were previously. Having a visual of their daily life and knowing the adults caring for them was reassuring to me. Now I have no point of reference – nothing to picture. It’s also difficult because we just don’t know what is in their sweet little heads. So many random questions run through my head: Do they understand why they are moving? Do they know the other kids moving with them? Are they scared? Did they get to bring the photo books I gave them? Is someone loving on them?

We had a moment of reassurance when a social worker from our adoption agency was visiting them recently. She gave them gifts from us and sent us photos of them. Our son told her that he had a mama who was coming back to take him to America. That one little statement from him is exactly what I needed. I am so thankful that he is remembering and holding on to the promise of me coming back!   

As we move forward, there are two specific prayer requests we’d like to share with you:

(1)  Please pray for the sweet little African boy and girl we call ours! Pray for their health and protection. Pray for their adjustment to a new place. Pray that the promise of family continues to solidify in their hearts. Most importantly, though, pray that they sense God with them and do not feel alone. (This morning I heard a story of someone relaying a very difficult childhood and her response to that difficulty was “don’t cry for me – God met me there.” I am now praying that fervently for these kiddos – may God be meeting them where they are.)

(2)  Pray for Asher. This wait has been challenging for Chad and I. In all honestly, it’s gotten exponentially worse over the past 1-2 months. But it’s now starting to be difficult on Asher. He loves these kids and considers them siblings already. He is starting to really question why it’s taking so long… and his sweet ability to empathize has him feeling worried and anxious for their well being. Please pray that he hears us when we tell him about how God works in all things, even when we don’t see it. Pray for peace in his anxious little mind.   

This sweet boy wants to meet his brother SO badly! 

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