Thursday, September 15, 2016

Heartwarming and Heartbreaking

My head is still swirling and emotions still running high from the trip! 

We feel like when we are there, we're living in this paradox of experiencing things that are both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. There is such despair... and such goodness.

Here are two examples of what I mean... 

Heartbreaking to see the need... Heartwarming to see the response...

This is a pic of our kiddos reaching out of our taxi... We spent a fair amount of time in the car, driving between appointments. On this particular day, we had stopped at a grocery store and let the kids each pick out 3 items. They both chose a box of cookies, milk and a jar of peanut butter. About 5 minutes later, we were sitting in traffic at a corner where some children were working/selling items... Our son rolled down the window, called them over and shared his cookies with them. He told the kids to go find cups, which they did, and then he filled their cups with his milk. And then our daughter opened up her peanut butter and let them each reach in to grab a handful. (I buried my instinct to cringe at the germs exchanged!) 

They could relate to those unknown kids. They know what it's like to be hungry. They didn't hesitate for a second to share with someone else in need... and their generosity wasn't limited - they were willing to part with every single item we had just given them. It was precious.

Heartbreaking to see destitution and experience the retelling of losses endured... Heartwarming to see commitment to children's wellbeing...

Part of the delay and issue with our adoption has been that the country experienced unethical adoptions in the past. As a result, they did not conduct adoptions for a period of time and are now beginning again... and they're hesitant to trust outsiders. Every single person of authority that we've encountered wants to make sure that our children are in fact orphaned and there is no misunderstanding regarding what adoption means (not a short term or temporary arrangement)... So the caregivers and extended families of the children have been called to testify again and again to "be sure". 

Our kids are so blessed by these adults who care about them and their well being so incredibly much. These people have had to make long treks to the city at least 10 or more times now (partly due to lost paperwork. ugh!). This means day long trips, tedious travel, lost wages, etc. Then they have to stand before various officials (judges, attorneys, directors) and explain over and over again the losses they've endured and why they can no longer continue caring for these children. We have watched them be spoken to harshly - and I can only imagine the sadness, grief, humiliation and more they feel in these "interviews". Chad and I keep saying it would surely have been easier on them to just leave the children in the orphanage... but going through these steps is the only way that they can ensure the children are adopted and have a better future. My heart goes out to them! Please keep them in your prayers... 

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