Friday, November 9, 2018

Living Out Life Lessons

You know when you read a book and something resonates with you as a bit of “good information.” It makes sense – it’s a clear, concise, important bit of knowledge that you store, knowing one day you may have to apply it.

And then that day comes. You’re living out something you previously only read about – so it’s no longer just intellectual, it’s now REAL on a new level. You realize that the information you had was good. It was true, right and applicable… but you didn’t know the depth of it and couldn’t truly understand it until you were actually living it yourself.

That’s where we are these days. Some of the lessons we’re living in our house are…

- “All you need is love” isn’t quite true when you’re piecing a family together through adoption. You need patience, structure, nurture, understanding, mercy, faith and so much more! 

- Wounds from abandonment run deep. Responses and reactions are multi-layered. Cries are guttural. Emotions have a profound intensity. As a parent watching and loving, there are often no words – just your presence and prayers.  

- Felt security is a long-term process. Physically being protected and surrounded by people who are loving doesn’t guarantee that you truly FEEL secure. Felt security will hopefully develop over time through consistency and focus on attachment. Emotional security will hopefully also grow to a point where emotions are not so easily disturbed and distressed. But these things can't be rushed or forced.  

- “I don’t know” is a real and acceptable answer. I don’t know because I don’t remember… I don’t know why I did XYZ because the urges I feel are stronger than my impulse control… I don’t know because my brain flips to an innate survival mode. It literally freezes… I don’t know because I am overwhelmed and stuck in sensory overload… I don’t know because I have so many fear-based behaviors that I can’t even pinpoint my exact fears… I don’t know what to do – but thank God I don’t need to know all of the answers! 

- Nurturing can truly fill in developmental gaps and literally rewire the brain. We are following the TBRI (Trust-Based Relational Intervention) model in our home, which ties into parenting kids from hard places with a connected and attachment-focused approach. It’s simple in theory, but so hard to implement some days. It feels weird at times. I often have to make myself do the opposite of what comes to mind as a traditional parent. But we are seeing them progress through missed developmental stages in amazing ways. When we step back to look at how far we've come in only 10 months, It almost feels like we're watching home videos of developmental progress on fast forward. Truly amazing.  

- We have a gracious God who will walk with us through anything and never leave us. He uses us and our shortcomings to do things that are only possible with His strength, power, love and forgiveness.

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