Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I’ve been reflecting on that job opportunity that I walked away from earlier this month (need an update? Read this!)… and that word, OPPORTUNITY, is just hanging with me. What a blessing to have opportunities! Whether you ignore them, accept them, turn them down… We are blessed to have opportunity!

We have the opportunity to…
Choose what we want for dinner… to even have dinner!
Enroll in a public school...
Speak freely…
Dress in a style of our own choosing...
Come and go as we please…
Choose and communicate what we believe without fear…
Seek medical care…
Turn on the faucet and drink water…
Dream about what we want to do when we grow up – whatever that may be…
Grow families without government constraints…
Play sports, be creative, follow dreams…

Seriously, I could just spend the afternoon adding to this list. The opportunities are countless for us… in large part because we were born free in a country that values our freedom and opportunity.

As I have been sitting on this word, I keep thinking of the sweet children waiting for homes… many of whom are “older” or have “special needs” that may limit even their opportunity to be adopted. My heart just breaks for them...  and seriously, while in the middle of writing this post, someone sent me a link to the video below. WATCH IT. I am so moved...

The Dennehy's decide to give the gift of 'family' to nine children from around the world....

1 comment:

  1. I've seen that video. It is such an inspiration for what God can do. Also, I love Asher's drawing below- my gosh!
