Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tidbits of Good News

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true, there is life and joy.  Proverbs 13:12

Good news #1:

All of the negativity from the article I previously mentioned has settled down. The article was apparently out of context. According to our agency, Ethiopia is NOT closing international adoption. There was a meeting about human rights where adoption came up and the officials discussed changing some rules that could potentially slow the approval process… but they are NOT closing. YEAH!

(A lesson could be learned here in not paying attention to negative facebook chatter until all facts are confirmed. It was a rough couple of days for me. Stuff like this will likely come up frequently. For my own sanity (and Chad’s), I may need to boycott social media and the internet during those times!)

Good news #2:

I am LOVING our adoption agency. It took quite awhile for us to settle on the right agency for us… and we initially chose a different agency that we left after some questionable things came up. So it is a relief to trust them and know that they are proactively working for their families in a transparent way. They were online over a holiday weekend answering questions from families freaking out about the potential for adoption to close. And when they ran out of answers, they admitted they knew no more at the moment and posted this:


Good news #3:

We received our letter from USCIS approving moving forward under the new PAIR process. Like the acronyms?! This basically means the Customs/Immigration department has agreed that we are reliable to care for an orphan.

This letter from USCIS was the LAST document needed to complete our dossier. Yeah! If your mind works like mine, you will assume that means the dossier can now be sent to Ethiopia. However, that is not the case. It needs to be authenticated. Not once. Not twice. Three times. Yes, our dossier complete with notarized documents will now be authenticated. That authentication will be authenticated. And then the authentication of the authentication will be authenticated. No idea how long this will take… So we wait…

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Romans 12:12


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